Dear Customers and Partners,
The health and safety of our staff, clients and colleagues are paramount during the COVID-19 outbreak, which is now classified by the World Health Organization as a global pandemic. We at Alpha Marathon have been monitoring the situation very closely and taking action as necessary in light of the global situation, the advice of public health authorities and the concerns of our community.

In order to help fight against the spreading of COVID-19, Alpha Marathon has taken protective measures that include limiting visits to customers and wider use of video conferencing to stay connected with our customers and stakeholders. In addition, our employees have been informed of our protective measures and best practices for sanitation and hygiene.

For our customers that require new equipment or upgrades, our sales team is available via live-streaming to address your needs. Our technicians are also available to help keep your operations running smoothly. We want to assure you that we will do everything possible to avoid disruption of our regular business activities. We will continue to respond to this evolving situation with calm professionalism to ensure the safety of our employees, clients and partners.

Our thoughts and best wishes go out to our clients and partners as we collectively face the challenges ahead.

Your Team at Alpha Marathon



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